Quarry aggregate

         Our company exploits "Dealul Priboilor" granodiorite quarry in Caras Severin. Stone quarry products are obtained through crushers and can be used for concrete and asphalt mixtures.

Forestry operations and wood procesing, Quarry aggregates, Concrete manufacturing, Building roads and bridges, Transport and equipment rental, Tourism Forestry operations and wood procesing, Quarry aggregates, Concrete manufacturing, Building roads and bridges, Transport and equipment rental, Tourism Sorts that we provide are:

    - chipping(s) (0-4)
    - chipping(s) (4-8)
    - chipping(s) (8-16;16-25)
    - chipping(s) (25-40;40-60)
    - broken stone (0-63)
    - brute stone (unsorted)

Forestry operations and wood procesing, Quarry aggregates, Concrete manufacturing, Building roads and bridges, Transport and equipment rental, Tourism Forestry operations and wood procesing, Quarry aggregates, Concrete manufacturing, Building roads and bridges, Transport and equipment rental, Tourism On order we produce any kind of concrete including road mixtures with a fully automated up to date mixing station. For more information please visit the Concrete manufacturing section.